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Kilmurry Ibrickane Community Group

As a result of the Public Information Meeting held on Wednesday night April 20th, in relation to the use of the Slieve Callan Fund, the Kilmurry Ibrickane Community Group held a subsequent meeting last Tuesday night.
As a result of these frank and open debates, the Community Group have fully taken on board the points and issues raised.
Consequently ALL decisions or suggestions raised at previous meetings have been put on hold until the existing Committee make every effort to revise the group that will better geographically represent the Parish.
On that basis we extend a warm and heartfelt invitation to anyone who would like to join the Committee so we can all work together for the betterment and enhancement of our Parish Kilmurry Ibrickane.
United we can achieve together.
Please Contact any Member of the Committee or any of the Officers below if you wish to join before Friday 13th @ 6pm:
Michael Talty Marty Morrissey
Michael Considine Brian Cooney
John Talty Gerard Talty
Meeting of existing and prospective committee members Monday 16th May at 8.30pm in the Meeting Room of Mullagh Hall. This is not a public meeting as the last occasion.

Accessibility Statement
Tel : 065 708 7161 | Email : office@kibparish.ie
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